Sunday, January 10, 2010

My baby can dance

Shonna has detailed many of Scarlett's (and our) physical and emotional changes over the past couple of months but what she has yet to mention is... whats up with the crazy dreams new parents have? I can only assume this is the norm and not isolated to our household. For example, last night Scarlett was in a baby class. Her instructor was able to make the infant students perform tricks on command. For instance, she would bark out a command, and all of the babies would swaddle themselves and curl up in the fetal position for a nap (how great would that be?). Another command, and the babies would unswaddle and move in a seated position. Unlike the rest of the class however, Scarlett was able to jump up on her feet, spin around 2 or 3 times, and sit back down. Of course she was stumbling through this sequence like you'd imagine a baby would, but she did not lose her balance and stayed upright while spinning. WAY better then the other kids. Isn't she something? At least that's how I felt when I was asleep. When I woke, she was her normal beautiful self who, while way ahead of the learning curve, isn't performing pirouettes just yet. She is well on her way though!

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