Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Week 19: 4 month check up

The post is a little late this week because it has been pretty hectic. The week started off with Scarlett spitting up A LOT -- enough that her daycare provider mentioned it too. We thought something might be wrong, but she was still smiling all of the time and otherwise acting normal, although she did have a small fever one of those days. By Friday, Paul showed up at Scarlett's 4 month well visit feeling pretty sick. He thought it was just from taking vitamins on an empty stomach, but it didn't go away. By the time we got home, he had decided he was officially sick. Keep in mind that I think Paul has only been sick once since I've known him and it was about 4 years ago. By 2 AM, I was also sick. We both seem to have had some sort of evil stomach bug. The big problem was that I had to work all weekend, so sick Paul was home with baby and sick Shonna was stuck at work. No good for either of us! We aren't sure if she was sick before and just the best behaved baby ever or if we still have to worry about her coming down with what we had. She seems like her gums may be bothering her, but otherwise she has been the same old happy Scarlett.

Her doctor's appointment went pretty well. She is very healthy -- up to 14 lbs even! They were impressed with her weight gain. All of the milestones they mentioned (e.g., belly laugh, rolling over) she hit 6-8 weeks ago, so she seems to be on track. We've noticed that she might have started teething and the doctor confirmed that it might be possible at this age. She was still about 24 3/4". They said she was up to 60th percentile in weight, 75th in height, and 25th(?!?) in head. I could have sworn they said 75th for head last time, so we're going to have to check on that.

I have to work again this weekend, so Paul and Scarlett may end up going to Baltimore to see some of his family. My friends were in town on Thursday and Friday last week so I really feel like I haven't spent much quality time with Paul and Scarlett in ages! We did get some nice long walks in last week though. The weather was gorgeous so we've been trying to walk/jog to daycare to pick her up and then go for a walk afterwards as a family. On Wednesday we did about 7 miles -- it was really nice. Hopefully we will still be able to get out a little bit this week despite my work schedule and all of Paul's meetings (and a hockey game!).

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