Sunday, July 18, 2010

Who needs sleep?

Although our darling little Scarlett still sleeps 9-11 hours per night, she has almost abandoned naps all together, now napping 30-60 minutes at a time after fighting it for at least twice that long. Most days she refuses to take her evening nap and yesterday she only slept about 40 minutes all day. The world is just too much fun to say goodbye to it for a few hours. If that weren't enough of a challenge, her bedtime routine has become more of a bedtime battle of wills. It has taken up to two hours to get her to finally fall asleep in the evenings. As a result, we've been trying to start the battle earlier and earlier so that she will actually fall asleep before 11 or 12. Tonight it took about an hour, but that was after her only getting two 10-15 minute catnaps in her car seat all day. How does she do it?!? Most of the time she isn't even all that cranky as a result (tonight she was a bit manic though...). We are definitely open to suggestions here. She still sleep through the night without a problem... once she falls asleep. The getting her to go to sleep part is the big challenge. We read to her, try to rock her, give her a bottle (often she knows the rocking and bottle are cues that it is bed time so she starts fighting as hard as possible), turn on her "music" aka rain forest sounds, but it is still taking forever to get her to bed.

Teething is still going strong. Her two bottom teeth are coming out a little more every day and I think her top teeth may not be all that far behind them. I can't feel them yet, but it looks like there might be some white pushing against her top gums. She still has a lot of the typical symptoms of teething, but nothing too terrible.

We went to our second Gymboree play and learn class today. Scarlett was again uncharacteristically shy. She would periodically get brave and start crawling quickly into the middle of the circle or clapping but otherwise she spent a lot of the class and open gym time afterwards trying to climb me instead of the equipment or play with the other children. She was much more adventurous when Paul and I took her off to the side to play with just us (see all of the pictures).

As for new events, this week we booked our flights to Seattle to visit my parents. Scarlett will meet her "Grumps" for the first time in mid-August. We ended up using miles to upgrade our tickets to first class in hopes of making what could be a miserable flight less miserable. We are definitely looking forward to the trip, but it will be an interesting experiment. We will actually have a trial run the weekend before because my dear friend Cheryl is getting married in Miami, so we'll be heading down for that. Scarlett will be quite the jet setter next month!


  1. Those pics are so CUTE!! My fave is the one of her looking through the sun cutout... heehee. Also, I love that flower headband! It looks great on her!!

    Wow, that Scarlett is a wild party animal!! 40 mins total sleep ALL day? That's so great that she isn't cranky, though. I don't know what to tell you about that. Although, sometimes instead of rocking, we bounce on a stability ball, and that seems to soothe him to sleep. But I'm sure for Scarlett, that bouncing would probably only make her think it was funtime!

  2. Scarlett is so adorable! Sarah was the same way with bed time and still is. So my mom suggested a warm bath before bedtime and that seemed to help. Hopefully Scarlett will settle down more when the teething settles down too.
