Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Week 6: Trying to get it together

This week was basically spent trying to start reclaiming some sort of normalcy. Scarlett's schedule has shifted further and further away from the ideal. We used to be able to more or less count on a four hour nap from 2-6 AM; her bewitching hour(s) have now reliably become 3-5:30 AM. We've started trying to transition her to an earlier schedule. I finally felt healed enough to get back on the treadmill in an effort to help with my sore back and weight. I found that strapping Scarlett into her carrier and walking forced her to sleep and me to add a little resistance. It definitely feels like it has been a while, but it also feels great to get some exercise again. We gave up on waiting for warm days for walking outside like we had been since we might have been waiting until April.

Scarlett's weight gan is still on track. She was up to 8 lbs 9 oz by the 6 week point and was 8 lbs 13 oz today (December 23rd). She is getting big and eating A LOT! I'm still having milk supply problems, but we've talked to the lactation consultant again and were armed with two or three more things to try. Scarlett starts daycare on January 4th (hold for break down...) so that will probably be the point at which we reevaluate the feeding situation. I definitely won't be able to keep up what I'm doing now once she goes to daycare and I go to work. It's a full-time job on its own!


  1. so you're saying the sleeping patterns don't get any better? lol I think I've gotten used to the short spurts of sleep...

    What carrier do you have? I have a sling, but I don't really like it. I'm looking for another alternative.

  2. Yay for the weight gain, that's awesome! Exercise is great, you are inspiring me:).

  3. We have the Ergo baby carrier and love it! Toby recommended it over the Bjorn and we've been really happy with it! People also seem to like the Moby wrap -- it looks a little more secure than most of the slings.
